The Welcome Mat

To explore you must travel & to explore yourself you only need to travel within yourself....

I write as a friend once said - she shoots from the hip (: I don't think we need to follow any rules when we pick up a pen to vent or just read on and as always share away (:

Thursday, February 02, 2012

I realized...

...the hardest thing about realizing you don't love me, is that you spent so much time pretending that you did.

...just because I come off strong; does not mean I don't fall asleep crying.
...God is closest to those with broken hearts. is like a broken can put it back together but the crack will always show.
...I need to cry to water my soul.

...whatever happens tomorrow...we had our today.

...I can close my eyes to things I don't want to see...but I can't close my heart to things I don't want to feel.

...some chapters need to be closed...other's need to be torn and chucked. heart needs me more than anyone else.

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