The Welcome Mat

To explore you must travel & to explore yourself you only need to travel within yourself....

I write as a friend once said - she shoots from the hip (: I don't think we need to follow any rules when we pick up a pen to vent or just read on and as always share away (:

Friday, May 03, 2013

...of people and shoes... much as you want to see the good in an association...your toe ultimately snags in that one moment which plays the reality check for you. And what stares you in the face are the hollow remains of an association which you thought was still alive and breathing... now that you are awake but still reeling from the shock of it all...what really happened? From the looks of it and what my realist brain and emotional heart have managed to conclude is this...

Imagine walking into a store and buying yourself the most amazing pair of shoes...comfy to the core and sexy as hell!! They go with just about everything in your closet - hell you could walk out naked in them and people would only notice the shoes! That good a pair...

You buy them - and you flaunt them - your friends love them - your family likes them - you peers adore them - you just can't get enough of them! You treasure them...short of sleeping with them *if you slept with them - good on you* you are utterly mesmerized by them... 

And then it happens - they start pinching you in all the wrong places - they bite - they stop being your goto shoes - they don't feel right anymore... And your emotional heart says - it's not the shoe's fault, it's your wore them with the wrong outfit, you were in a bad mood which reflected of them, you did not clean them enough, you did not take care of them well enough, you wore them out - they needed breathing space... 

But your realist brain knows it's all a bunch of farts! You took care of them; you were with them every step of the way!! Hell you refused to get a second pair since you were emotional about them!! And yet they broke right when you needed them most!! They gave you the worst corn ever - when you needed to walk the last mile the most... 

So what happened?? You gave them everything - yet they left you naked... Why? Because they only know how to take... You bought them and flaunted them - they got their 2 minutes of fame. Your people buzzed around them and it fed their egos...and once their egos were fed - they did what came to them naturally - return the favour - but not how you expected it (: 

...and this is what people do...entice you with their mesmerizing persona's till you are forced to associate with them - once you do - you are all theirs - hook line and sinker - and once they have hollowed you - they walk off (: but yes once in a while you do come across that shoe which has some defect but is just about the ONLY shoe in your closet which is yet to show a crease let alone a crack...

...and that me friends is the shoe we all crave for...the shoe that gives and the shoe for which you are willing to give too (:

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